
Principles which distinguish us

Our training programs were designed with concepts in mind which are unique, and differentiate us from other training programs.

Individualising your project

When you train with LAN, you will have access to our testing platforms based on technology that interests you.
The theoretical technical aspects, their potential and limits, you will be able to develop and ascertain for yourself with the full support and assistance of our supervising staff.
At LAN, trainees can take charge of their projects themselves, and resolve interoperability issues, set up their own networks and find their own solutions by manipulating the hardware and testing various setups.
Trainees have autonomy to develop their knowledge base.

The best of …

everything we have to offer in terms of facilities and expertise. The training is supervised by top rated specialists in each sector, the same people who test the latest technologies and are conversant with the latest developments in their sector. The LAN focuses on interoperability, product conformity and quality, all in the context of challenging trainees to surpass themselves.
It is our trade, our job, our “reason for being” Whatever your initial knowledge base, you will enjoy the best of both worlds, today’s world and tomorrow’s world !

Trial and error

Children learn quickly because the advantage they have is they are not "conditioned". They are expected to dream and be creative, and much of what they do is by trial and error, and by practicing.
Our training builds on this concept.
A training program is more efficient if the apprentice can be coaxed to “disconnect” from their normal habits and limitations and push the boundaries further afield.
Experimenting with trial and error, practicing without boundaries, stimulates creativity. Interestingly, it also stimulates team work.